The Global Hands On Universe(GHOU) Chapter for Nepal has announced the Galileo Teacher Training programme on March 31, 2012. The application for the participation has now open and closes on March 14, 2012. The programme is a partnership between GHOU Nepal Chapter, Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) and Espro Foundation, Nepal.
If you are teaching science in school or doing science with public in Nepal, do not wait to apply for the event. This training is the unique platform for all science teacher where they will be taught astronomy and space science so that they can give these knowledge back to their students at schools.
As the deadline is less than two weeks away ( Wednusday,March 14, 2012), Spread news to those whom you think to be interested to this programme.
All the best for those who have already applied and those planning for.
Hope to see you all in Kathmandu!
Clear skies!!