
Sunday, August 19, 2012

National Workshop Held for Linkages between Stake Holders of Development in Nepal

On July 17-18, Research Center for Applied Science and Technology ( RECAST), Tribhuvan University hosted national workshop where delegates from Nepal, India, Australia and Laos participated to discuss linkages and partnership opportunities among Enterprises, R&D Institutions and Academia/Universities in Nepal.This two day long National workshop on " Linkages and partnerships among Enterprises, R&D Institutions and Academcia/Universities to Foster Innovation and Transfer to Technology" was held on Hotel Grand, Tahachal,Kathmandu.

During the program, the resource persons from Australia, Nepal, India and South Korea presented their views on how we can achieve the goal of linkages between such entities in developing nations. Also, the presenters presented the current scenario of Nepal where we really lacked linkages between academia and industries. The was probably the  first attempt to hold such discussion in Nepal so far. The event had good impact to the audience who were the representatives from Industries as well as Academia including students.

The program was organised by Asian and Pacific Center for Transfer of Technology ( APCTT) of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific ( ESCAP), New Delhi, India and Science and Technology Policy Institute ( STEPI), Seoul, Republic of Korea in co-operation with RECAST. The program was sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, Nepal; Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology; APCTT-ESCAP; UNDP; Lotus Holdings P. Ltd; University Grand Commission Nepal and Himalayan Distillery P.Ltd. Nepal.